Learning Module 10 LIVE LEARNING MODULE due 4/20 by NOON
Pick one of the following events that you attended during the Ladyfest activities and submit a 3 paragraph blog entry with your reflection, grounded in course content.

FRIDAY 4/15 1:00 pm – Screening of PBS’s In The Life episode featuring KIN4LIFE, followed by Q&A with Nor & IQ of KIN4LIFE – ten Hoor 125
SATURDAY 4/16 10:00AM – Old School Consciousness Raising Session lead by Melanie DeMaeyer (one of the author's we read this semester) – Chloe’s Cup - 2117 University Blvd
SUNDAY 4/17 Noon-6pm – Attend one of the workshops at Alabama Art Kitchen – 2626 University Blvd
Noon – Ladyfest Zine Workshop – Learn about the history and importance of zines and help make a zine for Ladyfest Deep South 2011.
3:30PM – Vagina Monologue Workshop – If you’ve ever heard of the Vagina Monologues, then this is the arts and crafts version of that. Come create your own!
4:30PM – Herbs Health for Women – This class is a very broad, general, and beginner friendly exploration of plant-based medicines for women. Local, Abby Hall Luca, will cover several herbs and herbal formulas/ preparations for young through post-menopausal women. No knowledge of herbs required!
SUNDAY 4/17 Noon-6pm – Attend one of the workshops at Alabama Art Kitchen – 2626 University Blvd
Noon – Ladyfest Zine Workshop – Learn about the history and importance of zines and help make a zine for Ladyfest Deep South 2011.
3:30PM – Vagina Monologue Workshop – If you’ve ever heard of the Vagina Monologues, then this is the arts and crafts version of that. Come create your own!
4:30PM – Herbs Health for Women – This class is a very broad, general, and beginner friendly exploration of plant-based medicines for women. Local, Abby Hall Luca, will cover several herbs and herbal formulas/ preparations for young through post-menopausal women. No knowledge of herbs required!
For more info please visit the following social networking sites for Ladyfest Deep South 2011.
I attended the Ladyfest Herbal Health for Women event presented by Abby Hall Lucca. It was an informative session about how to use natural herbs for health instead of medicines. This is not something I have ever really looked into or heard about but I learned a lot about it from the presentation. She went through different stages of womens lives and taught us about different herbs we could use for different problems. She discussed teas and infusions you can use for anything from menstrual problems to stress relievers. As we have discussed in previous class meetings, Abby brought up the point that women never really slow down to take care of themselves, especially mothers, women never just sit down and give themselves time to relax and shut down for a while. So she also talked about the importance of a mental health day, and how you can use things such as oatmeal baths,chamomile tea,or black cohosh to relax and stop the chatter in your head, these can also help women who have trouble sleeping. She also talked about things for girls in the teenage years to use, but first they have to start by learning better nutrition. For example, a girl with an acne problem would learn how to better treat the liver so she can balance her hormones.It is important for women to take care of themselves even though most spend a majority of their time taking care of others.She also pointed out that using these natural herbs is a major money saver, but when you have something serious you should still go to the doctor. She said that people who use herbal medicine are not against hospitals or doctors, they just prefer to use herbs to correct the smaller problems.This workshop was very educational and showed natural solutions to the daily problems women have that people just overlook.
ReplyDeleteOn Friday April 15th, in Ten Hoor room 125, I attended the Lady Fest event called "Kin4Life." I remembered hearing the name before, but had a hard time recollecting exactly where I had heard it from. I was very unsure about staying for the presentation due the the constant tornado warnings that afternoon, but attended anyways. Upon entering the room it was very empty compared to the room size and empty chairs. There were maybe twenty-one of us all including myself. I questioned whether its emptiness was due to the constant bad weather of because of a lack of interest in the event. It made me feel a little uneasy especially since I had no clue what to expect. Sitting in the middle were two girls dressed in Urban wear taking photos of the event and preparing for something. After waiting a while for technological issues to be solved the presentation began.
ReplyDeleteWe watched a PBS documentary on Kin4Life. At that moment I remembered where I had heard of them before. They were mentioned briefly in a selection in our book titled "Ladies is Pimps Too." Kin4Life is a female group but not just any group. What makes them special is that they are African-American openly gay women in the hip hop industry. They used their struggles as gay/lesbian to reach out to their audiences and tackle homophobia. They revealed their struggles trying to fit into the music industry because of their sexual orientation and their unwillingness to talk about or sell sex. Because of this they tried to conceal their sexual identities, but after being leaked in a magazine and the pressure of not being themselves, they soon accepted who they were and have been happy ever since. Their sexual orientation has caused them to lose a multitude of producers, which made their success in the music industry almost impossible.
I really enjoyed this lecture because they seemed pretty "down to earth" and in tuned with themselves. I love how original they are and for that they get my respect. They stressed the importance of being who you are, eembracing youself, and starting your own movement. It is your responsibility to speak out and be activists in what you believe in. You never know someone might be feeling the same.
@aecollum- That's sounds pretty interesting!I didn't hear about that one or else I would have gone. I'm sure alot of helpful advice was provided that would benefit women. With all the many things we deal with day after day we tend to forget about ourselves.
ReplyDeleteAlly and I attended the herbal health for women together and it was so interesting. Lately on TV I have been watching this one reality show where this housewife believes in herbal healing as well. She says she likes to use as little prescription and over the counter drugs as possible. I would love to become more educated on the subject as it seems to be a whole lot healthier and happier. I thought it was interesting when they talked about how the liver and skin care go hand in hand.Knowing how much college students drink this may be what's causing many students' skin problems. My mother recently went to see a woman who specialized in herbal medicine. There are so many different remedies that we don't know about. I am intrigued and excited to learn more about this in the near future.
ReplyDeleteI attended the herbal health for women session on Sunday at the Alabama Arts Kitchen. When we first went in I really had no idea what to expect or even what she would tell us about. It was kind of different attending a session in this location because it was kind of off campus and in what looked like a house.
ReplyDeleteAbby Hall Lucca is the lady that presented us with the Herbal Health advice and awareness. She taught us that you can make your own medications at home with herbs that you buy in the store and that it would probably be a lot cheaper than a doctors visit and having to buy the expensive antibiotics. Ms. Lucca taught us many different teas and infusions that would help different situations such as: stress, menstrual cramps, acne, etc. They were all very interesting to me. She explained that by doing this is would target the source where the issue is coming from instead of just the surface area.
I really enjoyed the session with Ms. Lucca because I wasn't informed about herbal health at all until I went. I am still kind of unsure about it just because I don't think I would really have the patience to go get the ingredients and then wait for whatever you are making to infuse. If I don't feel well it's just instinct for me to go get medicine and take it as soon as possible to feel better. I do respect what she does though. I think that is very interesting and takes someone very smart to do that for themselves.
On Friday, April 15th in Ten Hoor I attended the Lady Fest even “Kin4Life” where they hosted a PBS documentary on this. I never new much about this prior to attending this video. There weren’t many people but I figured it was due to the weather and tornado sirens that went off shortly after. I learned that Kin4 Life is a female African American group who are openly gay in the hip hop industry. It is very rare in our society to find something such as this is what makes them so unique. Through the documentary I was able to tell they had an urge to stop homophobia from occurring and I was able to see this through their struggles that they encounter daily. Having this sexual orientation in this industry brings them to a halt whether it is because they are not willing to sell or talk about their sexual experiences or appeal or whether is I just something that they want known and to be accepted among their co workers and audience. This makes their success in this industry very hard and not obtainable compared to others who are hetersexual.
ReplyDeleteI think this lecture and documentary was interesting. It was something I never thought about nor something I have ever heard of which kept me intrigued. I was able to see that it is important for us to be who we are and not to change ourselves in order to sex sex or to succeed because it shouldn’t matter whether we are straight or gay, we should all have the equal rights to succeed.
On Friday, April 15th there was a tornado that actually touched down in Tuscaloosa. Although the weather was supposed to be pretty severe that day, I still managed to attend the Lady Fest Event entitled "Kin4Life" which was hosted in Ten Hoor. There were not very many people in attendance for this event however it was well worth my time. Besides the Tim Wise event, this was my favorite. I definitely enjoyed it and I was thoroughly interested in these ladies stories.
ReplyDeleteKin4Life is a duo of lesibian women who have had the pleasure of being featured in PBS documentary. I can vividly recall reading about them a few weeks back in our reading "Ladies Is Pimps Too." Their documentary on PBS is basically them telling their stories of the struggles they have faced from being African-American, gay, female, rappers. They are much different from the average African-American females rappers because unlike the others, they are not selling albums by selling sex, they refuse to do so and because of this they lost a lot of business opportunities along the way. However they stood their ground and eventually gained respect and an audience that truly understands their passion for music and their motives.
I definitely enjoyed myself at this event. It was interesting aand I learned a few things that I did not know before. The main thing that I learned from their presentation is to be happy with yourself and do not change for anyone. Not for sex, money, success, etc. There are other ways you can achieve all the things you want and more without having to degrade yourself and abandon your morals.
On Friday April 15th I went managed to go to the Ladyfest “Kin4Life” despite the severe weather issues we seemed to have been having at that time. Although there were not very many people who attended this event, I just suspected it had something to do with the tornado warning we had, I still found it very interesting and well worth going to.
ReplyDeleteThe overall experience at Ladyfest for me was an extremely good one and again opened my eyes to the way that others may be feeling and the things that they are struggling with themselves. While attending this event I learned that “Kin4Life” is a group of African American women who are openly gay in the hip-hop industry. I could see within this documentary that it was a great struggle for them to be open like that in an industry where it is not the “norm.” Because what we see from hip hop videos and figures is that women are very open with their heterosexuality and flaunt it because in our society today sex sells. Trying to maintain the idea of them while being in that industry would be rather tough, but these women are strong. But they also did not allow that to stop them or halt them in anyway, they tried to stop homophobia from occurring not just for them, but every other person out there who can relate to them.
Again I enjoyed this event and it was very interesting. It makes me even more open minded about certain things that I may not have been before because I can see how things like homophobia affect people.