Monday, February 28, 2011
how gender is racialized and how race is gendered
Here is the link to the Crunk Feminist Collective
POST YOUR RESPONSE IN WALLWISHER. You may respond here if wallwisher is experiencing "glitches in their matrix". However, Wallwisher will usually load if you try it again in the next few minutes. I strongly encourage you to try and reload it a couple of times before submitting your response here. This is assignment will count towards your participation points
Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Sunday, February 20, 2011
Planned Parenthood Funding Bill
- If this is an issue about the right to preserve a life how can they justify taking resources away from people who use their services to plan families?

There are a plethora of other things that can be debated and analyzed in this article. Please take the time to carefully read it and formulate your own opinion about this. This article will also help to put into context this weeks assigned readings. Please try and make connections about what the authors are saying about the politicization of female bodies and how it is being acted out in front of us today. I look forward to hearing your own insights in class Wednesday when we discuss reproductive justice.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Imagine bell hooks joins the Combahee River Collective and in a consciousness-raising group reads her article “Straightening Our Hair”, and shows the film clip “A Girl Like Me”. Based upon your readings for this week, discuss a black feminist perspective to this topic. How would the Collective approach the issue, especially with regard to privilege, interlocking oppressions, “the personal is political”, and a critique of the limitations of dominant feminist and anti-racist approaches to hierarchies of inequality. What new perspectives might they offer? Be creative…imagine you are sitting at the table with them!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Feminists High Standards are Always Razing the Bra: LEARNING MODULE 4
Examples from the Male Privelege Checklist:
1.If a man were to go into a job interview competing with a woman, the man would have the upper hand.
-I dont think this is neccessarily true anymore, there are too many women who are in charge of things in the corporate world now and women can be just as driven and qualified as men to be in charge. What if a man were to go into a daycare job interview, would he have the upper hand over a woman? No. In some cases, men would have the upper hand over women, but I don't think it happens that often anymore.
2.If a man has children and pursues a career, no one will think he is selfish for staying at home.
-I think this can be true for men and women, but men ARE supposed to work to support the family because lets face it, dad's just can't do ALL the things moms can do when it comes to children. I think it is respectable for either parent who works, or if both of them work and take care of the children. Parenting is teamwork and it takes both of them to support and watch over the family, that's not selfish.
3. My wardrobe and grooming are relatively cheap and consume little time.
-I found this one to be funny, because I know a lot of guys whos grooming is NOT cheap, and does consume time. Of course it's a longer process for girls to get ready than it is guys, but that doesn't mean guys don't like to primp just as much as girls do.
My Checklist
-Because I am white, racial slurs will not be made against me.
-Because I am white, I won't be the first suspect of a crime.
-Because I am white, I will have a better advantage in the corporate world.
-Because I am white, I will do better in politics.
-Because I am white, I can go anywhere I please.
These are all things you "can do" because of your skin color. A lot of racial things have gotten better, but there is still that unwritten rule that everyone always goes by. I am not neccessarily saying that I agree that only white people can do these things, it is pathetic, but it is common knowledge that if a black kid and a white kid were in a store and someone stole a candy bar, people would point fingers at the black kid first. It's not fair and I think that a lot of "priveleges" are dumb, this is America and you can do whatever you please as long as you are abiding by the law, no matter your skin color.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
1) Choose three examples from either the White Privilege Checklist, the Male Privilege Checklist, and the Black Male Privilege Checklist, or the Heterosexual Checklist (Katz) that made you think about your own privilege in a new way and tell us why (1 paragraph)
2) Now make your own checklist (5 items) and explain why these are privileges using the week’s readings and lecture. Explain key facets of the systems of oppression (gender, racial, heterosexist) that exist to reinforce these privileges in your life (2 paragraphs).
3) Go to your section’s wallwisher link for “Gender Microaggressions” (on E-learning). Post an example of a gender microaggression. Then post the message that this microaggression sends (this is a required posting and will count toward full credit for this learning module!)
Monday, February 7, 2011
The Beauty Myth- A Blind Man's Experiences
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Module 3 Response

The link to Wallwisher is
Saturday, February 5, 2011
V. Arnold Part 2
I think that this dove advertisement is a very empowering advertisement towards women. The advertisement portrays women of all sizes and colors that are "beautiful." All of the women look happy to be in their bodies and skin. I think this advertisement is ment to send a message to its audience that no matter what size or color a woman is, she is still considered beautiful, and should embrace her body. This advertisement does not involve your typical blonde hair, skinny sized model, but many varieties of women.
Part One V. Arnold

My first advertisement is pretty straightforward with the message that it is intended to send its audience. This advertisement is basically stating that if you smoke a Lucky Strike cigarette, then obviously, you will be skinny. WhenI saw this advertisement, the first thing I thought about from the discussion from our last class meeting was the "Beauty Myth." Basically, if you don't smoke this style of cigarettes, then you will be fat.
The second advertisement that I chose is a Trojan advertisement. This advertisement depicts men as being pigs, hovering over women that appear to be annoyed. . The pigs are meant to portray men, who, according to the text of the ad, have yet to "be men" and "evolve" by wearing a condom every time they have sex. This ad plays with the myth that "men are pigs," that is, that they have "one-track minds" and only think about sex and not about the responsibility and regard one shows his partner by engaging in safe sex. The use of the pigs among the women contrasted with the intimate, attractive couple in the center of the ad sends the message that men who buy and use Trojan condoms can achieve a "higher," more respected form of masculinity that is gentlemanly, responsible, and desirable to women than men who choose to disregard safe sex. I think that this ad is very discriminant towards men, however because not all men are "pigs", and do use condoms for their own safety; also condoms don't "make" a man.
part 2*

Module 3*
The second advertisement is actually very embarrassing because the woman is in a cage and is being treated like she is an animal. Its suppose to be a clothing advertisement but actually portrays the image of a woman being caged up. Some clothing advertisements make women look like idiots and like they are just some kind of toy when they really arent.
All advertisemnts that i see these days make women look stupid in any kind of way and i feel that women are their target and that advertisers think it is easy for them to pick on women.

Module 3

Part One: This advertisment can be viewed inappropriate and explicit in so many different ways. The first thing you notice is a young girl, obviously kneeling to a man and he is making a gesture for her to perform sexual actions. The way his hand is placed on top of her head makes me think he was almost applying force to her head going down, which probably made her feel compelled to do whatever he asked of her. This ad is from Britain and the point they're trying to get across is that parents are putting emotional distress on their children with their smoking habits. So just as the young lady in the ad feels forced to participate in explicit acts, she also feels obligated to smoke. However this is an example of another degrading women as well as how the media feels like "sex sells." Since the media incorporated a sexual act into the ad, they feel as though they'll get their point across in a more effective manner.
Feminists High Standards are Always Razing the Bra: LEARNING MODULE 3

Friday, February 4, 2011

Part Two: This is a perfect example of a woman who is in this advertisement for all of the right reasons. When I look at this picture I see a confident person that wants to relay a healthy message to other women and girls, which is to be strong. Another reason I thought this was a good ad to post is because is shows a woman of another race. It shows her body off in an appropriate way, and this woman is not stick thin like most of the magazine ads you see today.



Thursday, February 3, 2011

Part 2: This photograph is advertising a Pontiac. The car company put a woman in the back seat and it looks like the man in the window is telling her to "spread her legs." I get the reason advertisers pick the lines they do to put in ads. Yes, it catches your attention but in the process you are degrading people, and most of the time its women. This personally doesn't offend me but it might some women. I don't really have any suggestions on what I would do differently because I find most of the ads humorous... that is part of their purpose.

This advertisement on the left is for a Nintendo PSP, which is a game device. It says on the ad that they are coming out with a new version which is apparently going to be white. The first generation of this device was black. This ad is implying that the new white one will be better than the old black one, and that it will basically DOMINATE the old one. There are so many things wrong with this advertisement. I can't really tell if the skinny white woman is grabbing the face of a woman or a man but she looks pissed. They have made the white woman stand out in the photo while the you can barely see the black person.
The photograph on the right is advertising for a drink. Unlike the other ad the people are smiling but it seems so fake. Also, the white people are sitting down, looking up at the black server, which is rare to see. Usually the white people are taller or on a different level than the black. But here, the degrading part is that the white couple have a black servant handing them the drink. This ad is old and might have been some what acceptable back then, but today it would be considered outrageous.
In this week's readings race was the main focus. A black woman spoke about how white women are always portrayed as being superior in society. Most ads are with white skinny women because that is considered beautiful to "everyone". I have watched America's Next Top Model for many seasons and there are gorgeous women on that show. Many black women have actually won the contest in numerous seasons. One year even a plus size girl won.
This is a famous poster that was placed all around our country during WWII. It was meant to keep men from getting STD's so they would be able to fight for our country healthy. (At the bottom it says "You can't beat the Axis if you get VD." And while all of this is true, why does it have to be a woman that is spreading the disease? Men spread the disease just as fast as women do. It makes men think that women are the only one's with this disease, and while it was for a good cause it is still presented in a way that puts women down.
I think that advertisements, whether new or old, still do not represent women in a way that they should be represented. It is not right that women are put in positions that make them look like sexual deviants, such as both of the ads above. They both make present women in a way that shows that all they are concerned with is having sex. This is not something that should still be happening in our country.
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Magazine Advertisements

Week 4 Wallwisher Link
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
For this week, please POST a NEW blog vs. COMMENT under this blog posting.
Search the web and find TWO magazine advertisements that you think are representative of the issues being raised in your readings and class this week. Now attach these to your blog posting. Then, in 3 paragraphs analyze the content in the selected images. What are both explicit and implicit (obvious and less obvious) messages being communicated through the advertisements (re: gender, sexuality, class, race, etc.). How do they reinforce particular beauty myths? (use your readings) How do they reinforce (or not) dominant “scripts” about gender identities and relationships.

The advertisements shown here are for visual interest only and cannot be used in your responses for this Learning Module.