Part One: In my first ad it is pretty obvious why I picked it for this part of the module. First the only Bacardi I see is in the bottom right corner... If i was trying to see alcohol I'd at least make it a little bit more apparent than what they have done. Second this woman is practically stripping down to her swimsuit which also happens to be animal print, which doesn't surprise me either. Third you can't even see the woman's face.. which is a clear sign that she is a sex toy and there for pleasing the male who happens to buy the Bacardi, since it practically isn't there in my opinion. The fourth thing I see wrong with this advertisement is the tag line: PUSSY CAT BY DAY BACARDI BY NIGHT!! Clear sign of females being an object and there for pleasure I would never buy that brand of alcohol if they kept using advertisements like thee one above.
Second Advertisement

Well this advertisement is a disgrace to all women in my opinion. When I scrolled across this advertisement I didn't even see the cologne i just saw a women's mouth wide open, and clothing, and oiled up boobs. You can't even see the female's face minus her completely opened mouth which implies sexual activity when I look at it. The lady being naked and holding her boobs already implies the use of male pleasure but to top it off the advertisement has her oiled up which takes away pride from women. The imagine of this women also shows that men prefer women with big boobs. I see almost every issue in this advertisement even if there is no male model present in the advertisement the way the women appears just implies males dominance to me.
Today many advertisement's use body shape, language, male dominance, and male pleasure in them to sell products. I think these tactics to selling products is degrading the image of women of all sizes, and race. There is no dominant sex in today's society so why should companies push male dominance in advertisements when now women have equal rights to men... I also think its disgusting that a majority of advertisement have a certain body image of women which is white, skinny, big boobs, and blonde in their advertisements when men can be of all race and size what gives them the right but not us? I also think it is wrong when they show women as not humans but as object especially objects that are for men pleasure. I think products will sell just as good as they are now but using different tactics than the ones being used now.

Part Two: I think this picture works against this issue being raised due to the fact that the item being advertised is clearly shown. In this advertisement it shows a man and a women dancing in formal clothing like they are a party of some sort. In my opinion this is sign of sexual activity or male dominance appearing while they are dancing. Though the female in the advertisement is skinny and blonde I don't really see the advertisement pushing that issue. I really liked this advertisement one because it had both sexes in it but neither dominant, nor do I see any clear sexual reference. I think this ad shows that you can sell a product without using today's issue to attract both sexes.
All Tom Ford's advertisements are very disgraceful.. really inappropriate. Scrolling upon all of them you don't even realize there is a cologne bottle there, or even that fact that it's a cologne advertisement. These should be banned.