Part Two: I really love this ad! In this Dove's *Real* Beauty advertisment, the targeted message is that all women are beautiful, no matter your shape, color or size. These women are embracing their bodies and one another. This ad is very empowering to women everywhere. Most women that you see on ads, and in magazines are white, blonde haired, skinny, and half-naked but this ad is different. Although the women don't have clothes on, its for a different purpose. They're trying to persuade the intended audiences to love and accept your body, no matter what your stipulations are.

Second Advertisment:When I first saw this ad all I could do was shake my head. Once again, another advertisment that degrades and belittles women in so many different aspects. This Tom Ford ad evokes how women are supposed to play servant to men and do whatever it takes to keep the men afloat. The picture of the woman ironing naked is the "sex sells" part of this photo. There wouldn't be any sexually explicits intention if it weren't for her being naked. Tom Ford probably did this because when viewing this ad the naked woman is the first thing you notice, and once you see her all other things in the picture becomes irrelevant. Since this is a mens ad and its pertaining to menswear, the man in the ad is well dressed up top, patiently waiting on the other half of his wardrobe to be presented to him, as if the woman is his serv

ant.This ad simply reminds us that women are still fighting to be viewed as equal to men.
Part One: This advertisment can be viewed inappropriate and explicit in so many different ways. The first thing you notice is a young girl, obviously kneeling to a man and he is making a gesture for her to perform sexual actions. The way his hand is placed on top of her head makes me think he was almost applying force to her head going down, which probably made her feel compelled to do whatever he asked of her. This ad is from Britain and the point they're trying to get across is that parents are putting emotional distress on their children with their smoking habits. So just as the young lady in the ad feels forced to participate in explicit acts, she also feels obligated to smoke. However this is an example of another degrading women as well as how the media feels like "sex sells." Since the media incorporated a sexual act into the ad, they feel as though they'll get their point across in a more effective manner.
I fel like ALL Tom Ford advertisements are degrading women and portraying them as objects meant for male pleasure.