For this week, please POST a NEW blog vs. COMMENT under this blog posting.
Search the web and find TWO magazine advertisements that you think are representative of the issues being raised in your readings and class this week. Now attach these to your blog posting. Then, in 3 paragraphs analyze the content in the selected images. What are both explicit and implicit (obvious and less obvious) messages being communicated through the advertisements (re: gender, sexuality, class, race, etc.). How do they reinforce particular beauty myths? (use your readings) How do they reinforce (or not) dominant “scripts” about gender identities and relationships.

The advertisements shown here are for visual interest only and cannot be used in your responses for this Learning Module.
The first photo chose that i believe represents the reoccurring issues in our readings is a beer advertisement. The beer company Budweiser is trying to see its beer through the body of a women. The women is what our environment would call beautiful and perfect. She doesn't have an ounce of fat on her perfect chiseled ands slim bare body. The only thing that is covering her are beer bottle caps from Budweiser. The image that this company is trying to convey is if you see this girl, you will want to buy the beer. The women is a white,brunette with the body the media is screaming for a women of that to have. The company wants to do one thing, sell their beer. There is no doubt that ad's like these will instantly grab the male population forgetting how uncomfortable this makes that women or other women.These identities are reinforced through the fact that no matter who you are, you will see this women and instantly think she is sexy and turn straight to see what type of beer is being sold through this.
ReplyDeleteThe second photo i chose that i believe represents the reocurring issue in our readings is a Dolce and Gabana Ad. In this ad there are men and women however, they are real life women put behind widows such as mannquins. This gives the gender the idea of perfection and that these women are made to look like this and sell this company through their perfection. We are able to see that these women are both white, tall,and no more than 120 pounds with no an ounce of fat on their bodies. and through widows, this is exactly what people want to see. a company being warn on nothing but perfect women that it is a perfect company. If the clothing, make up and accessories make them look that good it can make any of us this good therefore the company will sell. They are selling the image of their company through the image of a women.
The photo i chose i believe works against reinforcing dominant myths of what constitutes beauty and is against the dominant messages about gender and sexuality does this exactly . This photo is of six women of different size and race with nothing but bras and underwear on with confident smiles on that they are beautiful in there own way. This photo doesn't show the perfect image of a black women or a white women but that everyone is an individual and beautiful in their own way. I feel like this is a good advertisement for the word "beauty" in general. This picture screams confidence and at the same time "i love who i am,regardless of what you may think" which is an empowering message. As women we are constantly being told to be something we aren't or to become someone that this media thinks is perfect, but these women are being them. And even if we are unhappy when we see women who are happy in their own skin it is comforting to us all.
** could someone tell me how to attach my photos?