Monday, February 28, 2011

how gender is racialized and how race is gendered

This Billboard Just popped up in Soho district of New York City. Read the response written by a blogger on the Crunk Feminist Collective and tell me how gender is being racialized and how race is being gendered in this advertisement. 

Here is the link to the Crunk Feminist Collective

POST YOUR RESPONSE IN WALLWISHER. You may respond here if wallwisher is experiencing "glitches in their matrix". However, Wallwisher will usually load if you try it again in the next few minutes. I strongly encourage you to try and reload it a couple of times before submitting your response here. This is assignment will count towards your participation points 


  1. I feel like in this advertisement has so many things wrong with it. First of all this billboard is containing a small african american girl and is saying that "the most dangerous place for an african american is in the womb." this can raise many arguments for one, it says that african american women should be afraid to have children and are there more likely to have abortions. And i feel as if this is also talking about the fact that she is a girl and is almost portraying what kind of woman she will grow up to be and will possibily have the same thing happen to her as her mother.

  2. The idea from this advertisement is that not only is the life of the child dangerous but that she one day could be in this position. Some how it is more acute because it is a black child, this infers that it is a African American problem. This is not an appropriate statistic but since the foundation purchased the billboard, they are technically allowed to put anything they want on there.
