Part 2: This photograph is advertising a Pontiac. The car company put a woman in the back seat and it looks like the man in the window is telling her to "spread her legs." I get the reason advertisers pick the lines they do to put in ads. Yes, it catches your attention but in the process you are degrading people, and most of the time its women. This personally doesn't offend me but it might some women. I don't really have any suggestions on what I would do differently because I find most of the ads humorous... that is part of their purpose.

This advertisement on the left is for a Nintendo PSP, which is a game device. It says on the ad that they are coming out with a new version which is apparently going to be white. The first generation of this device was black. This ad is implying that the new white one will be better than the old black one, and that it will basically DOMINATE the old one. There are so many things wrong with this advertisement. I can't really tell if the skinny white woman is grabbing the face of a woman or a man but she looks pissed. They have made the white woman stand out in the photo while the you can barely see the black person.
The photograph on the right is advertising for a drink. Unlike the other ad the people are smiling but it seems so fake. Also, the white people are sitting down, looking up at the black server, which is rare to see. Usually the white people are taller or on a different level than the black. But here, the degrading part is that the white couple have a black servant handing them the drink. This ad is old and might have been some what acceptable back then, but today it would be considered outrageous.
In this week's readings race was the main focus. A black woman spoke about how white women are always portrayed as being superior in society. Most ads are with white skinny women because that is considered beautiful to "everyone". I have watched America's Next Top Model for many seasons and there are gorgeous women on that show. Many black women have actually won the contest in numerous seasons. One year even a plus size girl won.
@Meredith -- I like how you showed advertisements about race and clearly related that to our readings. You were head on with this assignment! And I agree with you about how the "spread your legs" ad doesn't bother you, it does not bother me either but I am sure it might to others.
ReplyDelete@ Meredith- I never really noticed ads too much before this class to actually put that much thought into them, but the message is pretty clear here. I just want to know who is in charge for running these ads. This ad really angers me!!!!